
Greenshot-afreescreenshottooloptimizedforproductivity....BlogDownloadsFAQHelpScreenshotsSupportus...LatestWindowsreleaseversion:Greenshot- ...,YoucancaptureascreenshotofthewindowyouareineitherbyopeningtheGreenshotcontextmenu(Fig.1)andleftclickingontheCapturewindowoptionor ...,Greenshotisalight-weightscreenshotsoftwaretoolforWindowswiththefollowingkeyfeatures:Quicklycreatescreenshotsofaselected...


Greenshot - a free screenshot tool optimized for productivity. ... Blog Downloads FAQ Help Screenshots Support us ... Latest Windows release version: Greenshot- ...

Getting to Know Greenshot

You can capture a screenshot of the window you are in either by opening the Greenshot context menu (Fig. 1) and left clicking on the Capture window option or ...


Greenshot is a light-weight screenshot software tool for Windows with the following key features: Quickly create screenshots of a selected region, window or ...

Greenshot (Unofficial)

Quickly create screenshots of a selected region, window or fullscreen; you can even capture complete (scrolling) web pages from Internet Explorer. Easily ...

GreenShot ~ How to Screenshot With Windows 10

2021年11月11日 — Capture Full Screen. Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + PrtScr. Captures the entire active screen. This will only capture one monitor at a time. Image ...

Greenshot allows you to make and to edit screenshots simply. The application allows to 'capture' window, a portion of the screen or the entire screen.


Capture window Alt + Print. Creates a screenshot of the window which is currently active. The settings dialog offers an option not to capture the active window ...

How to Download, Install and Use Greenshot on Windows?

2022年12月1日 — To take a screenshot of the entire screen, simultaneously press the Ctrl and PrtSc keys. Step 3: As soon as the screen is captured, a number of ...


Greenshot allows you to take screenshots in multiple ways and automatically save them where you want. Not only can it be saved on your PC, but it also lets ...

Greenshot 具有編輯功能的螢幕擷圖工具

Greenshot 具有編輯功能的螢幕擷圖工具
